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THERMALITY release new single “Fire Will Reign” from upcoming album “The Final Hours”

“Fire Will Reign”

It’s Midsummer Eve and Fire will Reign is unleashed into the world. It’s the second single from Thermality’s upcoming album The Final Hours (via Black Lodge Records,16.8.2024). The single captures the essence of Melodic Death Metal and is a testament to the songwriting abilities of this young band. With one foot firmly rooted in the 90’s Gothenburg sound and the other stepping into the future, Fire will Reign is the perfect blend of past, present and future.


Ludvig Sommar of Thermality comments:
The song was written with the idea of combining an old school sound with some modern elements, making it familiar for both older and younger listeners. The song takes a leap backwards into the mid 90s in terms of the sound while keeping a rather modern approach to a very iconic concept, aiming for a more aggressive song and at the same time keeping it true to what we like and enjoy listening to ourselves.

Embark on a journey with THERMALITYs latest album!

In the heart of Sweden, a stone's throw from the melodic death metal capital of Gothenburg, THERMALITY was born in 2020. With their roots deeply embedded in the rich soil of 90s and early 2000s melodic death metal, THERMALITY has quickly established themselves as torchbearers of the genre. Their unique sound blends the nostalgia of melodic death metal’s golden era with a fresh and innovative approach, creating music that resonates with fans across the globe.

Following the acclaimed release of their debut album, "Before I Get to Rest," in February 2023, THERMALITY wasted no time basking in the glow of success. Instead, they channeled the positive worldwide feedback into the creation of their first EP, "Tales from the North," which saw the light of day on June 30, 2023. The reception was nothing short of spectacular, further fueling the band's creative fire.

Now, THERMALITY invites you to dive into their latest masterpiece. Recorded at the legendary Studio Fredman and masterfully mixed and mastered by Fredrik Nordström, this album is a testament to the band's dedication to their craft. It embodies the essence of traditional melodic death metal while paying tribute to pioneers like In Flames, Children of Bodom, Amon Amarth, and Arch Enemy. Yet, THERMALITY’s latest work transcends homage, weaving together diverse styles and sounds to forge something truly unique and refreshing.
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